  • Enrolled 16
  • Language English
  • Skill Beginner
  • Last Update 22 September 2024
0 (0 Reviews)

Marriage is Scary? | PHYSICAL CLASS | FREE

Skill: beginner
Enrolled 16
Last Update: 22 September 2024



One word, but packed with deep meaning, carrying responsibility, commitment, and big hopes.

Are you someone who’s eager to get married, or someone who’s scared of the idea?

The phrase “Marriage is Scary” has become a hot topic lately, especially with the rising number of divorces. One of the biggest causes? Cheating. But that’s not all—domestic violence is also something that’s often highlighted on social media, and maybe even happening around you.

So, how do you overcome this fear? Especially if you’re about to step into marriage and these issues are making you hesitate.

The key is to equip yourself with knowledge and a deep understanding of what marriage truly means. One way to do this is by joining a class or workshop designed to talk about the realities of marriage, such as the “Marriage is Scary” class, featuring Ustaz Faritz. In sessions like these, you’ll get helpful tips on handling marriage challenges, learning to build good communication, maintaining commitment, and fostering love in your household. Marriage isn’t always easy, but with the right knowledge, preparation, and strong faith, those fears can turn into confidence that marriage is a beautiful journey towards Allah’s blessing.

So, what are you waiting for?

Physical Class


Cocombee Office, A’Posh Bizhub 1,

Yishun Industrial Street 1, 03-30,

Singapore 768160


Saturday, 05 2024


10.30 PM – 12 PM


The class will be conducted in English.

Reviews 0 (0 Reviews)


Reviews 5.00 (20 Reviews)
  • Enrolled 16
  • Language English
  • Skill Beginner
  • Last Update 22 September 2024