  • Duration 01:54:00
  • Lessons 1
  • Skill Beginner
  • Last Update 20 October 2023
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Beban Yang Hilang, Hati Yang Lapang (Tadabbur Surah Al-Insyirah)

Skill: beginner
Duration 01:54:00
Enrolled 0
Last Update: 20 October 2023


Surah Ash-Sharh, also known as Surah Al-Inshirah, is the 94th chapter of the Quran. It consists of eight verses and is a short but impactful surah that offers profound spiritual and emotional solace. It is often recited for its comforting and reassuring message. Here’s a summary of Surah Ash-Sharh:

  1. In the opening verse, Allah reassures the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) by mentioning the relief and the expansion of his chest. This is a metaphorical expression signifying that Allah has lightened the Prophet’s burdens and granted him ease after moments of difficulty.
  2. The surah continues to provide comfort by stating that with hardship comes ease. This is a fundamental principle in Islam, reminding believers that trials are temporary, and that relief and ease are destined to follow.
  3. The surah encourages gratitude by emphasizing that when the difficulty is removed, one should not forget to praise and be thankful to Allah. Gratitude is a central theme in the Quran, and it’s highlighted here as well.
  4. It reminds us that difficulties are often followed by blessings, and Allah’s support is always present for those who believe and remain patient in their trials.

In summary, Surah Ash-Sharh conveys a message of hope, assurance, and gratitude. It acknowledges the challenges and hardships that people face in life but reminds them that these difficulties will be followed by ease. It encourages believers to express gratitude to Allah and have faith in His support during tough times. This surah offers a source of spiritual comfort and hope for those facing adversity.

What Will I Learn?

  • It encourages believers to express gratitude to Allah and have faith in His support during tough times. This surah offers a source of spiritual comfort and hope for those facing adversity.

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Reviews 5.00 (20 Reviews)
  • Duration 01:54:00
  • Lessons 1
  • Skill Beginner
  • Last Update 20 October 2023